WordPress is so powerful that 30% of the total websites of the world are powered by this platform. This includes personal websites and websites managed by huge businesses, such as NBC, the New York Post, Time Inc., and Sony, just to name a few. You can download this content management system free of charge. It offers tons of unique features that make it easier for you to build your website. Let’s find out about some of the primary benefits of this platform. Read on to find out more.

1. Flexible and Adaptable

In the beginning, WordPress was designed to power blogs for online publishing. With the passage of time, it continued to become popular. Today, it is used for a wide variety of websites. It is an ideal choice for small businesses, large corporations, and personal blogs. As a matter of fact, WordPress is so flexible and adaptable that it is used by even the largest e-commerce stores you can find these days.
Partly, it is because this platform supports a variety of free and premium plugins. So, you can choose any plugin based on your website. Apart from this, there is a huge collection of amazing themes.

2. User-friendly

This platform is so user-friendly that you don’t need more than a few minutes to launch your website. And the beauty of this content management system is that it requires almost no technical expertise. You just need to get a domain name and a web hosting account. From there, you can manage your website through the admin dashboard. This system has all the features that you need to customize your website based on your personal preferences.

3. Tons of Themes

Another great benefit of this content management system is that it offers tons of options for you to fine-tune the look of your new website. For example, you can choose from a lot of premium themes based on the type of website you manage. You can preview the themes live in order to make the best choice. Therefore, you can rest assured that the theme will match the content of your site.

4. Lots of Plugins

WordPress offers a lot of elements to allow the creation of a basic website. However, if you need specialized functions, you can check out the plugin directory offered by this content management system. Based on the specific tasks you want to perform, you can use any of the hundreds of plugins offered free of charge. Other amazing features include contact forms, galleries, and shopping carts.

5. WordPress websites Rank High

If you want to rank high on major search engines including Google, make sure your website a searchable. WordPress websites rank high on major search engines compared to other websites. The reason is that these websites get updated on a regular basis. You can use a lot of tools and plugins in order to optimize your website for search engines.

Long story short, this was an introduction to WordPress and some of the biggest benefits it offers for individuals and business websites.

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